Reinier Groeneveld

Stars and Stripes Rhine Crossing Third Army March 1945

Guide to the timeline documents.

Part of the results of my research are bundled into the timeline documents I have created for the companies of the 46th Armored Medical Battalion (AMB). They can be a great source when you want to understand the stories of the men that served in the medical service of the 4th AD. Here I would like to provide you with a guide on how to read them.

Guide to the timeline documents. Read More »

Guide Personnel Disk Caduceus Medical Enlisted Men

Guide to the Personnel Database documents.

One of the major parts of my research was the creation of the Personnel Database. You can see the the master database I have created in the 4th AD Medical Personnel Roster. This shows you all the information I have collected on all the personnel of the Medical Department personnel of the 4th Armored Division during the entire period of World War Two.
The second part of this project was to filter the men who served in the 4th Armored Division in the ETO (European Theater of Operations), from July 17th 1944 to VE-day.
The final step was to combine this filtered list with the TO&E of all the medical units in the division.
You can see the results of these lists under the Personnel Page here: 4th AD Personnel Units Combat. Or you can see them separated by unit under the Units pages. Here is a guide that help you to read these documents.

Guide to the Personnel Database documents. Read More »

MOS 4th AD

Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)

In different documents, especially in Company Morning Reports, we often find different numbers connected to the men. First there is there is off course an Army Serial Number identifying a person.
But there is often a second number attached to a name. These numbers, called SSN (Specification Serial Number) are the numerical codes assigned to an MOS (Military Occupational Specialty).
Simply put, these numbered codes describe the job an individual performed in the Army.

Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Read More »

Combat Medical Badge US Army WW2

The Medical Service in the 4th Armored Division.

Here I’d like to tell you about the organization of the medical service within the division. It is the story of the men of the Medical Department that serviced in the 4th AD that my research and this website are dedicated to. Understanding the structure of the medical service within an armored division can help us a lot when we read about the stories of these men.

The Medical Service in the 4th Armored Division. Read More »