This page shows some of the personal items the medics of the 4th Armored Division used during the War or brought home after the War.
If you have any personal items of the medics of the 4th Armored Division you would be willing to share, please let me know by using the contact page.

Tec5 George D. Ehnes, SSN 93094344
Served in Company C, 46th Armored Medical Battalion as a surgical technician. Photos published with permission of Robin Bartel.

Pfc. Claude E. Kimel, SSN 34179037
Pfc. Claude E. Kimel served in Company B, 46th Armored Medical Battalion. He served as company clerk, as a litter bearer and as medical technician. These documents are part of the Claude E. Kimel Papers of the North Carolina State Archive.

T/Sgt James O. Fox, SSN 37497746
T/Sgt Jams O. Fox served in the medical detachment of the 25th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron. He was awarded the Bronze Star. James O. Fox was Killed in Action on March 4th, 1945

Lt.Col. Emmet P. Crane, O-406635
Served as Division Chaplain for the 4th Armored Division

Lt. Ray W. Smith, O-1533202
Served as a platoon leader in a collecting platoon of Company A, 46th Armored Medical Battalion. He was in the Medical Administrative Corps.

Tec3 Ralph S. Donnell, SSN 34255920
Served in Company C, 46th Armored Medical Battalion as a Surgical Technician (MOS 861)